Happy Mother's Day

I'm so blessed to have the most amazing mama! My mom is the most patient, kind, and loving woman I know. She is a wonderful mom and grandma, she is always there for us and blesses our lives in so many ways. I love you mom!

These three beauties made me a mama and I'm forever grateful. I pray that I can be the kind of mom for them that my mom has always been for me. Although, most days I feel like I'm messing it all up! I suppose most moms feel that way at times. I'm so thankful that God chose me to be their mom, they are the most precious gifts.

I would also like to wish my Mother in Law a Happy Mother's Day! She raised my hubs and I must say she did a wonderful job. He's a pretty great guy. ;) She is also a wonderful MIL and grandma and is always there for us.

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing Mama's out there!
I know that for some Mother's Day is difficult. Some may long to be a mother but that dream hasn't happened for them yet, for others, maybe they have lost their mother or a child and Mother's Day is a painful reminder. Please know that you are thought of today and you are loved.
